Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Yawning Facts

A most distinct and visible characteristic of humans or animals is to yawn. Though clinical causes are enlisted for yawning, at the grass root level you need hardly any reason to do that. The mystery of this most potent trigger can even make you yawn. Unfortunately, if you are stumbling around during the day because you're sleep deprived, you're sleepiness could pose a real danger for you and those around you. Sleepy people have poor coordination, impaired judgment, and slow reaction times. In other words, they are accidents waiting to happen. Fatigue and drowsiness is considered and counted as one of the major factors in crashes. It goes along with driving with excess speed, driving while on alcohol and drugs, as well as driving while ignoring other vehicles' right of way.

The bore factor of FPE may be obvious to some, but let me explain further as to why. Let's say you really like a certain kind of bratwurst, so you have two a day for dinner. After a while, it no longer becomes a special treat. It still tastes delicious, but it ceases to be interesting. You may end up losing your taste for it all together. It is basically a reflex inhalation in which the reflex is generated from our body to draw more oxygen into the bloodstream. Conventionally, however, people associate yawning as a sign of tiredness which is true to some extent. But this is not always the cause for yawning. Sometimes, people yawn for reasons such as stress, boredom, emotion and too much work.

Why you're tired all the time could be due to being stressed over something or other, it can also be a result of bad eating habits, overwork; even specific medications can be accountable. You need to look closely at your fatigue problem, and from doing this you might get conclusion to why you feel this way. Your body is very much alive and aware of your inner workings as well as the outer stimuli. Your body is always sending signals to you with the hope that you will take action. One example of this is when you have the need to go to the bathroom, your bladder says, Okay I'm full, it's time for a bathroom break to empty the contents, please! As we can see, it would be erroneous to label "yawning" as a "calming signal" -- if only because yawning has many other purposes that don't allow us to affix such a narrow and restrictive label to it.

So then, this yawn mystery is as philosophically genuine as that of life and death. You need absolutely no reasons to indulge. Why then the clinical studies necessary to strive find out the causes and behavioral conditions of yawning. It just happens. You just do it. People who drive for a living have an even higher risk of being in an accident while driving. Approximately 47% of all truck drivers report that they've fallen asleep at the wheel at least once during their driving careers.

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