Thursday, September 30, 2010

Skin Cleansing Tips

It never fails when you come across the right information that you need to be able to be informed about using the right skin cleansing products for your body. You can use long handled natural bristle brush or loofah sponge for skin cleansing. Start from the soles of your feet and finish with the scalp. During skin cleansing, you need to brush in small circles from the feet towards the chest. If you are one of those people that spend the majority of your time working indoors, then skin cleansing shouldn't be a problem, unless you are a woman. Most women frequently have to wear make-up while present in the workplace, so a facial cleansing in the afternoon would be too much trouble.

You do not need the most expensive products from over the counter in order to cleanse your skin properly. Using gentle cleaners or soaps should be enough for your daily cleaning of the skin. Make sure that when you use a soap or a cleanser you go gentle on your skin. You also want to perform a skin cleansing ritual at night before you go to bed. This cleansing is far more important than the one that you do upon waking, because of the dirt and grime that your face has picked up during the day.

Allantoin is an acidic compound which can be extracted from the comfrey plant which shows great promise in healing damaged skin and encouraging the growth of new skin cells. Skin cleansing also helps to improve blood circulation and the removal of dead cells from the skin. You can use long handled natural bristle brush or loofah sponge for skin cleansing. The most damaging effect of the sun is that it dehydrates the skin causing it to become dry and rough and wrinkled, freckles, pigmentation and patches may also occur. The truth about skin cleansing methods such as scrubbing, exfoliating and brushing are bad for the skin. The practice does nothing except irritate your skin and cause it to produce excess oil.

Use warm water for cleansing process: Try to avoid cold or very hot water to cleanse your skin, as both can cause skin irritation, dehydration and increase possibility of stretchiness. Use deep cleansing facial masks once a week. The technique of a deep cleansing mask is based on the same concept of occlusive dressing technique. When the skin is covered with the mask, the surface temperature rises slightly. It stimulates circulation and softens the skin.

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Lose Back Fat

Nobody knows exactly why ladies add weight at the top of their back when they start to add fat to their frames.  However women and men are all in jeopardy of getting back fat all over their backs when they add weight.  Back fat is something you definitely need to lose one way or another. It's that fat which makes your shirts look awkward on you from behind. This stubborn back fat shakes while you walk giving people the impression of how careless you seem about your health.

Cardio routines for fat loss have been used by people for years, it's no surprise because this type of exercise is fantastic for reducing weight. Recent scientific research has expanded on what we already knew and offered us new forms of cardio to burn fat fast. Eating the right foods more often than not will result in dramatic fat-loss in a relatively short period of time. Western diets tend to be full of sugar and processed foods, these need to be cut out (or at least cut back) right away.

By fitness regimen, that means proper exercise. And not necessarily back exercises. Since your first goal is to lower your body fat percentage, then your regimen should include strength training which involves the whole body. Instead of doing back exercises, the key to losing back fat is to lower your overall body fat percentage. As you decrease the amount of fat in your body the fat you carry on your back will decrease as well leaving you with a beautiful, smooth back.

Weight loss systems can dramatically help you. They are created and calculated through science and are therefore proven to work. You will see the best results from weight loss systems but not just any weight loss system, one that is proven to work and has satisfied thousands of people. Start by stepping one of your feet forward in a wide step so it is like you are mid-stride. Next, bend forward and the waist and hold the weight in your right hand. Extend your arm straight down toward the floor with the weight in it.

As far as your workout routine is concerned, the best way to lose back fat is to not focus on your back muscles but to do complete body strength workouts and intensive cardiovascular workouts. Combine complete body workouts with cardiovascular workouts to achieve maximum fat loss rate. Once you start to eliminate your body flab, you will also lose your back fat. You will also look better overall.

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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Stages Of Alcoholism

Early stage alcoholism or what some people refer to as the adaptive stage of alcoholism is when the dependency on alcohol beings. You may find yourself turning the alcohol to find relief from your problems.The first stage of alcoholism is where someone starts to develop growing resilience to the intoxicating effects of alcohol. At this point a person finds that they have to drink more alcohol over time in order to get the high they so crave.

Drinking is severe in third stage and the experiences financial, legal and employment problems. He lacks interest in his hobbies and forgets his commitments and promises. The drunkard takes little food and sometimes neglects it and some violent behavior may persist. Behaviors that are morally unacceptable, impaired thinking and unexplained fears are just some of the symptoms that are associated with the end stages of this addiction.

In the first stage of alcoholism, drinking becomes a way to escape from reality. Drinking takes all your cares and worries away. It helps to change the way you feel. There is a slow and gradual increase in the amount of alcohol consumed in one sitting. It takes more alcohol to attain the buzz or the good feeling you are looking for. The extreme sign is when the individual starts keeping alcohol in weird places like home or office and always drink to feel normal. Isolation is dominant at this stage. 

As alcoholism progresses, the alcoholic has become obsessed with drinking to the exclusion of nearly everything else. Everyone can tell there's a major problem. During the late alcoholism stages, the mental and physical health of the alcoholic are seriously deteriorating In Late Stage alcoholism, the person exhibits a complete dependence on alcohol. The day often begins with a drink, and the rest of the day is characterized by tremors, binges, and frequent drink gulping.

It will be evident to family and friends as the alcoholic is drinking almost all the time. They start becoming ill, mentally confused, and have a host of other mental and physical problems. This is due to the damage to the vital organs. This damage often results in one or more serious medical conditions. Alcohol can reduce your mental and physical efficiency by 30 to 50 %, your family and social life can be ruined, your career set back by decades and you age faster. Do not wait for disaster to happen; act today and get relief at a suitable alcohol treatment center.

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Monday, September 27, 2010

Liquid Diet Plan

One of the more positive aspects of a good liquid diet weight loss is that you are getting all the essential nutrients naturally. That is, of course, if you follow the diet properly. Best of all, you are going to get rid of all the toxins in your body. For a lot of people, losing weight at a rate of a half pound a week is too frustrating and causes them to quit. Liquid diets allow for much faster results in most people.

These diets were designed to help you control your calorie intake by drinking carefully measured portions of nutritious liquids. Many overweight and obese individuals have lost weight by following liquid diet plans. There are some liquid diets which function better over a long time more than others. Experts have revealed that diets which consist of both liquids and food can aid someone who is over weight to manage the amount of calories they consume using liquid meals.

Full liquid diets consist of both clear and opaque foods (with a smooth consistency). One may consume milkshakes, ice cream, milk, strained cream soups, oatmeal, fruit nectars, pudding, and honey. The best way to ensure that you maintain permanent weight loss, is to change your lifestyle. You have to make sure that you are exercising and even after the diet, you are eating healthy and avoiding the foods that you know are unhealthy. This means that if we want to have a successful full body detoxification, then we should just FOCUS on what we want to happen, not what we want now, but we want to happen for the betterment of our health in the future!

It may take you a while before getting familiar with the calorific content of the foods you eat but it is helpful to do so. This way, you will be able to turn down foods that are high in calorie a lot easier. In the first place, remember that a liquid diet can be mean several different things. In one sense, it is another phrase for a meal replacement plan. A meal replacement plan allows you to substitute shakes for regular meals. Liquid diet will be a sufficient diet. Indeed, it will make you loss pounds and make you slimmer. This diet will also stimulate detoxification of your body. However, you may gain your weight before easily after you go return to your original diet.

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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Whooping Cough Causes

Whooping cough is thought to be on the rise for two main reasons. The whooping cough vaccine received as a child eventually wears off, leaving most teenagers and adults susceptible to the infection during an outbreak. Gradually increasing cold, running nose, sneezing, fever, sore throat, loss of appetite and cough are the main symptoms of whooping cough. The coughs become louder (whooping) after a week of infection.

A cough is a symptom of many illnesses and conditions including: asthma, bronchitis, common cold, influenza (flu)smoking, and whooping cough. The cure of cough is useful only if directed at the cause, but patients should be offered indicative relief while awaiting the results of specific therapy. Whooping Cough is spread by contact with an airborne discharge from the mucous membranes of an infected person. The disease is treated with antibiotics like erythromycin, azithromycin and clarithromycin. Its common sense that you cannot find remedy for a problem that you can't attach a name to. The symptoms for whooping cough are easily detectable and they are prolonged periods of a running nose, sneezing, dry cough and sometimes a high fever that can even hit 100 degrees.

Mix raspberry liquor into one tablespoon of honey suckles and liquor tea with honey 2-3 times a day for five days or until the cough disappears.Mix two tablespoon of pure honey into one glass of fresh orange juice and drink this twice a day to help treat whooping cough in no time.Before this cough translates into a killer condition, it is important for you to e able to differentiate it from the common cold so that you can take the necessary precautions. It begins with a mere sore throat, progresses to a dry cough in 7-10 days followed by choking and vomiting and fever.

Pertussis vaccines are usually combined with diphtheria and tetanus, so only one shot is required. Last year was a landmark year as the FDA approved two new combination pertussis - diphtheria - tetanus vaccines, one for adolescents only (Boostrix) and one for adolescents and adults (Adacel). Most importantly, an individual who has whooping cough needs to rest. Sleep is a vital part of the healing process for the human body. Because this disease primarily occurs in young children, it can be difficult to get them asleep; however, the child's pediatrician should be able to offer advice on the matter. These are some thoughts on the cough. Remember it's mostly a good thing, protecting our airways from infections and foreign bodies.

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Makeup Tips For Teens

You might have noticed your friends and classmates who suddenly start applying thick coats of makeup. Well, that looks awkward right? More than anything else, it causes a lot of harm to your skin too. Ways of building muscle for teens differ from methods commonly used by adults. From the type of workouts to the supplements taken to the intensity of the exercise routines, adult and teenage muscle-building activities vary in numerous ways. One of the first places that a parent can visit to learn what is hip on the beauty makeup scene of teenagers is the Seventeen magazine website. One can learn about various cosmetics skin care that are on the market to help with blemishes and which eye shadow colors look best with a particular skin tone.

The airbrush technology pumps air into a specially formulated liquid foundation that is sprayed on to your skin in smooth layers that are as light as air, covering problem spots while leaving your skin room to breathe. If you are currently having problems with blemishes or break outs, your dermatologist will also be able to supply you with cosmetics that will work towards clearing up your skin in addition to covering your unsightly marks.

Wearing too much foundation. This is one of the most common mistakes made by all age of women. Foundation is not to totally cover up everything to the point you look like you are wearing a mask. It's an urban myth that squeezing the blemishes in your face help to solve the problem quicker. Squeezing the problem area will only make matters worse. When you squeeze or start picking the problem area you are at a higher risk of creating scar tissue and by doing so creating a problem for life.

Beautiful hands and nail care start with basics, and not having raggy, bleeding cuticles is a primary step in having presentable hands. Nail-biting usually starts in early childhood as a toddler with some people never outgrowing it, while others only return to an earlier to nail-biting in times of stress.Although you can't control your genetic makeup you can definitely control what you eat and how much you exercise. Too much sitting around has a negative effect on your waistline and your health. Watching TV is an example of the most common activity that leads to weight gain.

A light blush can make a big difference to a cute teen face. Blend it well and sweep from the cheeks to your hairline to give your face a bit of a contour. Depending on the color tone of the skin, light or dark shades can be chosen.

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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Dealing With Body Odor

Body odor is the smell that results when bacteria is present on the body. Perspiration (or sweat,) is generally odorless, though it has often been blamed for body odor. Internal health problems may also cause body odor. Problems such as diabetes, zinc deficiency, liver problems, kidney problems, chronic constipation, certain parasites, or a metabolism imbalance may cause body odor. It is the Apocrine glands, which are designed to remove toxins from the body which cause the bad body odor. These glands are located mainly in the armpits, and groin area. This is why a stronger odor occurs in these areas during sweating.

Body smell can be avoided. Treatments go in a natural way. Water therapy is one of the best ways to flush out bad bacteria and fluids in the body that causes body odor. You can also chew certain herbs that help you reduce your body odor such as fresh alfalfa, fennel, sage, peppermint, and wheat grass juice. What I do is make a tea out of various herbs and drink it. Deodorants are the best way to eliminate underarm odor. It can give you an approximately 24 hour protection depending on how active your body is.

Bad breath (halitosis) is normally reasoned by too much bacteria growing on or between the teeth. Plaque, dry mouth and cavities can also be accountable for halitosis. Ayurveda believes body odor is due to the presence of toxins in the body. The chief toxin that is responsible for the body odor is the ama, which is the buildup of undigested food material in the respiratory tract. Shoes made of natural materials, such as leather or a mesh material can help prevent sweaty feet by allowing your feet to breathe.

If you are one of these folk, cut out these products and see whether this is the reason behind your odor. Certain foods and drinks, eg onions, garlic, curry, certain spicy foods, coffee and alcohol, are also prime causes. You may also want to consider factors such as cost when choosing from the different kinds of deodorant. If you only trust brand names, you may have to pay a little more. You may also have certain moral and political considerations. you need to ensure that you always have a fresh set of underwear, socks and other inner wear whenever you need them. Avoid wearing clothes that have been used by you previously. They will contain bacteria in them and will accelerate the spread of body odor.

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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Get Rid Of Itchy Skin

Do you experience extreme itching in your skin and all you want is scratch it out? Have you ever felt itchy but can't pinpoint the exact cause of this itchiness? You might be suffering from an allergy that you are not aware of. If the itching does not seem to be much more than a nuisance, try to slap on some moisturizing lotion instead. Itching is also caused by dry skin, and scratching dry skin will only further damage it. Your instinct might be to pick up a product from the store shelf or your doctor. Most of these scalp treatments that promise relief from dry scalp conditions sound very attractive until you start reading the fine print.

Margosa (neem) is a widely used home remedy for itchy skin. Simply boil few fresh margosa leaves in water and take bath using this water. Alternatively take 20 fresh leaves of margosa. Clean it properly. Now add 10 black peppers and mash in 60 grams of water. Psoriasis of the Scalp is a common skin condition that can cause a red rash on the scalp. Usually the skin becomes thickened with a silvery scaling. At least half of those who suffer from Psoriasis have Psoriasis of the Scalp. The next thing to remember is that itching can be triggered and increased by inappropriate clothing. Pajamas or night gowns can be too hard thus irritating the child's skin.

If itchiness is a result of dryness, then using a shampoo that provides deep moisture to the skin and hair is the best recommendation.  Products with Panthenol, naturally-derived Jojoba Oil and Emu Oil are your best bet.  A proper diet when maintained will help in causing the skin infection. Avoid eating too much starchy food and also food that has yeast. Consumption of alcohol should be restricted and also excessive oily and fatty food. It is also mildly contagious and any person may get infected if he or she comes in contact with the infected person. If any person is infected with the this problem then avoid sharing his personal belongings.

Natural and unsweetened yogurt contains friendly bacteria which will help fight off yeast infections and bring relief to vaginal itching. Simply dip a tampon into the yogurt and then insert it into the vagina leaving it for an hour or more. Avoid eating sugar and the food items which contain yeasts, refined carbohydrates, alcohol, greasy, fried and processed foods. Increase the intake of raw fruits and vegetables in your diet.

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Monday, September 20, 2010

Epilepsy Causes And Treatment

It should be ensured that the neck of the patient is straight, and his tie and other clothes should be loosened. In epilepsy patients, the normal working pattern of the neuron is disturbed. This makes the patients behave in a strange way. Such one-off seizures due to alcohol withdrawals or allergy to drugs are usually not diagnosed as epilepsy. Instead of heavy large meals, epilepsy patients should prefer taking small meals during the day. Application of mud pack is said to be a good cure to decrease the occurrence of epileptic attack in a patient.

Any person can endure an epileptic seizure under certian circumstances. The seizures can be provoked by drug overdoses, or in some cases even acute illness. The condition epilepsy, however, does not apply to these people. Patients suffering from a complex partial seizure mumble and suffer from memory loss. They stare at things and sense a change in the smell, taste and look of things. These patients also make repeated movements like rubbing hands smacking lips or picking at clothing. Since epilepsy occurs without warning, regular medication is a necessity. This is essential to help the affected person cope with daily challenges. An employed individual needs medication to avoid epileptic attacks at work.

The causes for epilepsy vary according to each person's lifestyle and health. The widely known reasons for epilepsy attacks are excessive drinking, lack of enough sleep, professional and personal stress, and chronic illness. The symptoms may always differ relying on what kind of seizure it is. In many of the cases, an individual with epilepsy would tend to get the same kind of seizure very time; hence the symptoms would be extremely same from one episode to another. The common form of Epilepsy might vary from the brief disturbance of all the senses up to the short period of oblivion or in the staring spell and also leads up to the convulsion.

In older people, epilepsy has added relevance in that it may be a symptom of an underlying condition such as stroke. Early treatment may also help prevent physical damage from seizures, which may pose an additional danger to older people whose bones tend to be more brittle. A type of nerve stimulation that is identified by specialists called "Vagus" is used as a common treatment for epilepsy. Apart from these physician-recommended treatment methods, an epileptic can also adopt natural and alternative therapies that will improve overall well being.

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Get Rid Of Sweaty Palms

If you are facing the condition of sweaty hands what you do is rush to the physician and ask for medications. But this will not help solve your problem guys. High stress levels can also cause sweaty palms. A person who has nervous temperament will tend to suffer from sweaty hand problem because the emotional response triggers the glands in the hands finally resulting into excessive sweating. Drinking lots of water is the first thing to consider and practice. You may feel that drinking water will make you sweat more but this is just a myth.

Hereditary is one condition behind the sweaty hands. It is observed that obesity can also give rise to sweaty palms. Your overactive sweat glands make your palms sweaty. Along with the above mentioned information, you can also make the use of iontophoresis therapy. This is by far the safest therapy to cure your hands. It works by sending an electric current to your hands through water. Sweaty palms can also occur of you are overweight. Excess weight also results in excess sweating. So make sure to reduce your weight and you will surely get rid of sweaty hands.

Talcum powder does not leave your hand sticky and absorbs sweat and water, this tendency of talcum powder can be very useful in sweaty palms so try to keep your hands with talcum powder applied so that your hands do not get sweaty and watery. It is indisputably one of the most effective methods ot get rid of excessive hand sweating and have helped thousands upon thousands of fellow sufferers cure sweaty palms for good. Some people get stressed a lot without every realising it and this can unfortunately cause sweaty palms. If you find that you get sweaty hands when you are in stressful situations then try and think of why you are getting so anxious about it.

One of the most effective ways to control sweaty palms is to develop a positive attitude and be confident about yourself. You can also learn coping techniques to help you deal with stress so that you don't get tensed up easily. Despite feeling bad of sweaty palms, you need to search for ways to get rid of sweaty palms. Any problem, either big or small should be cared at the earliest time. There are many cases in which small problems turn big. The best therapy for treating sweaty hands is Iontophoresis therapy. This has been tried and tested and people have got good results out of it.

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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Early Miscarriage Causes

Miscarriages are the termination or end of a pregnancy. A miscarriage can be intentional (often called an abortion by some), or non-intentional. Frequently, the health care community will use the term non-intentional abortion interchangeably for a non-intentional miscarriage. The medicos warn the pregnant woman to consult their doctor on noticing any suspicious bleeding from vagina during pregnancy period. Back pain can also be a sign of miscarriage. To prevent miscarriage, one should first be aware of the common factors that lead to miscarriage.

Researchers have long known that during times of stress, the brain releases several hormones -- including one called corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH). In past research, women who deliver prematurely or have low-birth-weight babies were often found to have high levels of CRH in their bloodstream, and other studies show a greater risk of miscarriage in women reporting stress. Miscarriages can be caused by any number of things, but the most common is a chromosomal abnormality.

There are many guidelines in Ayurveda on how a woman must protect her pregnancy. Precautions begin right from the time when the fertilization between the sperm and the egg take place. Any deficiency in either of these gametes during fertilization can lead to a miscarriage later. From a reproductive perspective, the most dangerous chemicals found in cleaning agents are formaldehyde, toluene and ethylene glycol butyl ether. Formaldehyde is commonly used to suppress the central nervous system smell receptors so that we cannot smell bad smells.

If a miscarriage has started, there is very little to do in order to save the embryo/fetus. If you notice even the slightest spotting on your underwear, call the midwife or GP immediately and ask for a consultation. Most miscarriages in the early stages do not require medical treatment as the uterus voluntarily empties out like a heavy period. If there is tissue that remains in the uterus (which shows up on an ultrasound) then a procedure to cleanse the uterus, or medication to make the uterus expel the remaining tissue may be required.

Women who suffer a miscarriage one or two times still have a chance to have a very healthy and natural pregnancy. There are others, who undergo recurring miscarriages, but with the aid of sophisticated medical procedures and medicine, and consulting with their physician, a successful pregnancy is quite possible. Miscarriage that occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy (Day 1 to Week 12) is most likely caused by a genetic disorder with the fetus.

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Yellow Teeth Causes

Keeping your teeth white and your smile pretty is a very difficult task for a lot of people. Whether because of genetic background, age, or the type of food you eat, it is important to keep your teeth white for your social life. Before you try a teeth whitening solution, you may want to consider the real reasons behind tooth discoloration. It is important to get expert advice so that you know whether you need a simple solution, or if you should turn to your dental health professional. The most important thing is to brush your teeth regularly everyday. Brush in the morning, after every meal, and before you go to sleep.

There are in fact many reasons why teeth could turn yellow; one of the primary causes is simply getting older. Yellowing teeth is actually a natural part of getting older, even if you brush and floss regularly and have strong healthy teeth, yellowing can still occur. Certain people have dentin that is insufficiently mineralized. That results in a more translucent secondary layer. The yellow seen in affected people is really the hue of the dentin growing more visible. It is not possible to remedy this type of tooth yellowing by using standard whitening processes.

Proper dental hygiene is one of the most important things you can do to prevent stained teeth. You should be brushing at least two or three times a day. Remember, the longer that a food or beverage remains in contacts with your teeth, the better chance you have of them turning yellow. Whitening toothpaste is another approach for moderately yellow teeth, but you may require something more powerful to get rid of those embarrassing yellow teeth. Paint on bleach can be found over the counter, and resemble a nail polish container. As with the mouthwash and paste, this is a good way to lighten minimal stains.

Some of the more serious causes of yellow teeth are genetic disorders, high childhood fevers, or damaged or dying teeth. These types of discolorations can be more difficult to treat but most of the time they can be treated effectively by a dental professional. Also, the drinking water that is available in your homes may have fluoride in it. It is essential in preventing tooth decay but if there is too much of it in the water, it could make teeth yellowish. Usually however, it is the lifestyle of an individual that makes yellowish teeth.

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Saturday, September 18, 2010

How To Clear Blackheads

Are you looking for a way to get rid of blackheads and the symptoms & conditions that come with it. Your not alone millions of people every year are searching for relief. This type of acne develops for many different reasons and usually the cause, and symptoms range from person to person. Blackheads are caused by too much sebum oil in the skin being trapped in the poor. This oil mixes with dead skin cells and other foreign contaminants. The result is a blackhead. Blackheads can easy end up as acne pimples because the area around the blackhead is more prone to infection. Oily makeup blocks the pores on your skin and thus causes acne. High stress levels produce imbalance in the body, which causes hormonal changes and thus blackheads. Many chemicals and medicines trigger hormonal changes producing excess oil production and thus blackheads.

So the best way to get rid of blackheads is to control the sebum (oil) and remove dead skin cells regularly to prevent them blocking pores. Try to avoid strong products that contain man made ingredients. Blackheads and whiteheads are a combination of oils, sebum and cellular fragments that form firm to hard plugs within hair follicles. Blackheads are open to the skin's surface and become darkened at the surface by exposure to oxygen (oxidation). They are called open comedones (or comedo, singular). You can even use blackhead strips for blackhead removal. These strips contain a substance that helps in controlling this infection to spread to other areas of the skin and thereby remove the blackheads.

The face is probably the most common area for blackheads to appear. Blackheads are also common in the chin, forehead, and the nose. This area created by the chin, forehead and nose is called the T-Zone. This is a common area of blackheads because the area of the chin, forehead, and nose contain many oil glands.There are about a dozen things you can simply change about your current behavior to get rid of blackheads for good. For example, just by using new towels and pillow cases everyday, you could greatly reduce the transfer of bacteria to your face. Be sure to be very gentle when squeezing the blackheads because if you do this in a harsh manner you risk depressing the blockage which will go down into the skin and give rise to fresh outbreaks of zits. It therefore pays to only gently squeeze the blackheads.

You should also use products that have high benzoyl peroxide content. Just like salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide also contains properties that effectively kill blackhead-causing bacteria. However, when you use benzoyl peroxide, you run the risks of having dry skin. Acne and blackheads are caused when the pores on your skin get filled with oil and dead skin cells. When the oil in the pores gets exposed to air it reacts with oxygen causing the formation of dark colored blackhead. Blackheads are so common yet many of us are not aware of what they are. They can be controlled and prevented by taking regular care of the skin. Blackheads cause the oily skin pores to be enlarged and the surface of the skin becomes rough.

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Pregnancy Tests Facts

With the advancement of technology, pregnancy tests have also become more and more reliable and easier to carry out. Over the counter home pregnancy tests are also as effective as the tests carried out at the primary health care provider's office. A free online pregnancy test should be treated as a first step in detection of pregnancy. You cannot just rely on these test results as a final confirmation of your pregnancy. You are sure to find hints about the pregnancy through an online pregnancy test, but this test should never replace medical confirmatory test under observation of physicians. Everyone knows that the later a pregnancy test is taken the more accurate the results. When the menstrual cycle is due is the best time to take a pregnancy for best results. Whenever some one needs to know or wants to know early on if they are pregnant the EPT pregnancy test is the only test that can be used very early in the pregnancy and get results.

Currently, urine based pregnancy tests are commonly recommended and used. Yet, occurrences of a misleading test result can be avoidable when all the instructions on these tests are obeyed. If the tests are taken just after the missed periods, you might experience 'negative' false pregnancy test results. In some of the cases, the results of a pregnancy test may not be accurate. It means that while the test may show positive results implying the presence of the HCG in urine, the development of the egg may not be proper. This is basically due to a concept called "chemical pregnancy" in which a fertilized egg starts producing HCG but fails to develop further.

Another important accuracy parameter relates to the usage of home pregnancy test kit. The kit manufacturing company is not to be blamed, if you are not very careful about the usage directions. A basic home early pregnancy test kit usually requires urine collection in a container & then dipping a checking instrument in it. A pregnancy test detects the presence of the pregnancy hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) either in the blood or in the urine. The hCG in the urine comes from the hCG in the blood after it was filtered through the kidney. After ovulation, the egg gets fertilized and travels through the fallopian tube toward the uterus. This travel takes on average about a week.

Blood tests are more reliable compared to the urine tests. These tests are conducted by the doctor to detect the presence of hCG in the blood. The presence of hCG in the blood indicates the embryo has attached itself to the uterine wall and placenta has started growing. Pregnancies after 5 1/2 weeks of conception can be detected by ultrasound scanning. However, ultrasound scanning, if used during the early stage of pregnancy, has to be trans vaginal. It is also quite possible that pregnancy escapes detection at this stage due to the very small size of the sac. With the technology advancement the pregnancy tests have become convenient and reliable. For all those who are eager to confirm their pregnancy they can perform a home pregnancy test if come out positive, they can fix the appointment with the doctors.

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Luscious Lips Care

Soft and smooth lips figure among the foremost indicators of physical beauty. The skin on lips lack oil glands; hence they tend to get dry and cracked easily. Always make sure that your lips are moist. You could use lip moisturizers and recovery balms to do so. Lips usually go through a tough time in cold and dry weather conditions. A dry lip makes you feel less confident and often increases your stress levels. In winter it would be good to decline using decorative lipstick, especially the permanent means. Some of lipstick components occlude the skin pores. If you still put decorative lipstick on, then do not forget to put nourish balsam on before lipstick.

A soothing lip balm contains gentle and mild ingredient, suitable for everyone of all ages, including children who suffer from sensitive lip problems such as chapped, flaky lips. If you want healthy lips always apply a sunscreen to your lips with a minimum of SPF 15. Dip a black tea bag in warm water and press it on lips for three to four minutes. This increases moisture level on skin of lips. A dose of Vitamin E keeps lips youthful, while extracts of oregano leaf, thyme, cinnamon bark, lavender and goldenseal root soothe, nourish and protect. Another thing that Shea Butter does is help heal lips that are already chapped. It is widely known for protection and healing of many different things, like scrapes, cuts, bruises and mild burns.

Chinese herbs have always play a role in my family's daily and monthly nutritional preparations. Different herbs are taken on different times on different purposes. Consult a Chinese physician for your personal needs. The natural oils on your lips (which prevent dehydration) tend to dry up every time you smoke a cigarette. Another great reason to trash those cancer sticks. UV rays in sun is a major cause of aging and burn on lips. Avoid sun bathing or outing under hot sun but UV rays present even in cloudy days, so, wear a lip balm or daily conditioning treatment for lips with sunscreen before you step out of your house.

Lips cannot sweat as they don't have perspiration gland. They are dry and become flaky easily. Therefore, the lip nourishing products is highly recommended after cleaning step. With lower budget, you can just apply Vaseline, or Petroleum Jelly. After the nutritive portion of the product is fully absorbed, this "seal" leaves a soft smooth waxy coating on the lip surface. But this is not adding any additional moisture or nutrients to the lips at this point, and can actually prevent moisture from effectively penetrating the deeper lip tissues. Too Faced Lip Injection gives a noticeable size difference to the lips almost instantly. It's not thick or goopy so you can apply it in layers .Finally, we need to know the causes for dry and cracked lips to gain the upper hand when it comes to lip care. They are over exposure to sun, dehydration, soap use on face, smoking, lack of nutrients in diet and genetic skin disease.

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Get Rid Of Dark Circle Under Eye

Most people think that dark eye circles develop because of a lack of sleep and stress, but this really isn't the case. It's actually a common aging sign- but don't worry, you can treat them with an effective eye dark circle cream. Women have been battling the problem of aging skin throughout the centuries. It is documented that Cleopatra bathed in milk and honey to help her maintain a youthful looking skin. Although there are various methods and tips that you can use to remove under eye dark circles but in this article my main focus would be to tell you all about the under eye creams that are easily available in the market these days.

To find an eye cream to reduce under eye dark circles and puffy eyes, it's important to read the ingredients label. The last thing you want in your skincare are ingredients like alcohols and mineral oils. The delicate skin around the eyes becomes thinner with age and as this happens the small blood vessels called capillaries become visible. These vessels are so small that the red blood cells have to line up single file in order to pass through and occasionally they "escape" through the capillary walls. You don't have to go out and get lots of creams or lotions to get rid of your under eyes dark circles. Instead, all you have to do is go into your kitchen. Simple home remedies applied daily can be an easy way to get rid of under eye circles.

A skincare product meant to be used around the eye area which has been clinically tested (on human volunteers) and proven to achieve results. Natural ingredients that work to get rid of those dark under eye circles so your delicate skin has a more supple, firm and healthy look. A natural eye contour gel containing ingredients such as Eyeliss, Haloxyl, HomeoAge, Natural Vitamin E, Cynergy TK, Phytessence Wakame and Nano Lipobelle HEQ 10, all these ingredients are obtained from natural sources and have been proven to effectively and safely reduce under bags, dark circles and wrinkles. Be sure you use natural substances on this eye area because the skin around the eyes is very thin and they become thinner with age.

There are many treatments available for under eye circles which can range from cosmetics to laser surgery. It is up to you which option you choose but always remember results might not be perfect. Consult your dermatologist and go for a under eye cream. There are many brands available, but your doctor will suggest you the best one. Apply slowly a pinch or two of the cream with ring finger and sleep. All that the formulas for treating dark under eye circles offer you for something different for toning the area around the eyes, but none of them really touch on what they need to in order to make your bags and dark circles disappear. In order to repair the causes of the bags and dark circles under your eyes, what you need are Eyeliss and Haloxyl. These ingredients will improve capillary stability in the region, which in turn increases circulation.

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Monday, September 13, 2010

Best Acne Vitamins

When it comes to utilizing non-medicated techniques to treat acne, vitamin A is the most regularly used item. Acne appears when the pores in your skin become clogged with oil and dirt. Just like vitamins E and C, vitamin A is an antioxidant which means it rids the body of everyday pollutants. It has always been a major pain in the neck for people trying to get rid of their acne. Vitamin A however, plays an important role in treating and reducing acne. This can be pointed to the several properties in vitamin A. Acne in short, is developed due to several reasons. Studies have shown that changes in your diet dramatically affect the look and health of your skin. But equally important to a change in the diet is the use of acne vitamin treatment. So, eat right and if you need to, supplement your diet with vitamin supplements.

Just like healthy food for the body, the best acne treatment will provide nourishment and nutrition directly to the skin. The skin tends to reveal the health of a person. What shows up on the outside often indicates a deficiency or need on the inside. We are also hearing more about the effects of stress and anxiety these days. It can be the cause of many health issues, acne is yet another one. Vitamin B complex has been found to be very helpful to many people in reducing the stress that they feel, thus reducing the anxiety. There are vitamin supplements that help improve you nutrition levels. Acidophilus is among the more popular supplements when it's taken two or three times a day in proper amounts. Others include chromium, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A, and vitamin B6.

Even though it is not possible in all cases, the best way to stop yourself from being scarred by acne is to prevent serious acne lesions from forming in the first place. Taking vitamin C is one easy and very useful treatment for getting rid of acne related scars. Water is extremely important to getting clearer skin because it is involved with every function of the body. Water helps transport needed nutrients and flush toxins out from your body that can build up to cause acne or other skin conditions. Lemons are loaded with Vitamin C which boosts the immune system. A strong immune system is essential in fighting acne and other infections. Mix some lemon juice with some rosewater and apply with a cotton ball. Let the skin absorb the lemon juice and rosewater for about 30 minutes.

No matter what type of acne treatment products you prefer, it is a good idea to keep a supply of those favorite acne treatments on hand, since treating an acne problem at the first sign of an outbreak is one of the best ways to make sure the outbreak is short lived. Carrots are rich in vitamin A. Vitamin A is one of the acne cures and helps in maintenance and repairing of the tissue, making the skin and the mucous membrane. It also contains anti oxidants and removes free radicals from the body.

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Menstrual Cramps Remedies

Usually menstrual cramps are famous by the name of dysmenorrhea. It is related with the pain which occurs in the abdominal and pelvic region during the woman's menstrual period. The level of pain varies from woman to woman. Research has found that prostaglandins, hormonelike substances that cause uterine contractions, play a part in causing menstrual cramps, but the precise mechanism is unknown. Aspirin, ibuprofen, and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can block prosraglandin production and alleviate menstrual cramps. Healthy diet rich in vitamin, calcium, minerals should be taken regularly. Any kind of iron rich foods are very useful during this time. Calcium is noted to prevent any kind of menstrual cramps and keeps the muscle strong from back pain.

The root cause of painful menstrual cramps is lack of oxygen during ovulation. The uterine is a muscular organ. Every month the ovary releases an egg into the fallopian tube where it travels into the uterus. The inner uterine wall thickens and becomes filled with a nutrient rich blood supply. Among the most effective herbs for alleviating painful menstrual cramps are ancient Chinese herbs. Not only have these herbs been used for centuries, some are even used, to this day, in Chinese hospitals. Although not all of these natural remedies for menstrual cramps are right for all people, they have all been proven in various studies and research to be effective at stopping menstrual cramps and menstrual pain. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) that contain ibuprofen such as Motrin and Advil, ketoprofen like Actron, and naproxen sodium such as Aleve and Anaprox can help relieve menstrual cramps by lowering the production of prostaglandin. Some women make use of oral contraceptives that can relieve pain over time.

Topical Natural Progesterone may counteract Xenoestrogens and Phytoestrogens, whenever the body load of Xenoestrogens and Phytoestrogens isn't too high. If the body load of Xenoestrogens and Phytoestrogens is too high, and then topical Natural Progesterone could temporarily increase catamenial camps. Some researchers believe that chamomile tea, which has other health benefits, also helps to decrease menstrual cramps. Bilberry, found in dark skinned fruits, is a powerful anti-inflammatory and is also used to treat severe menstrual cramps by improving blood flow. secondary dynsmenorrhoea- pain caused by some underlying gynecologic disorder is called secondary dynsmenorrhoea. The reason may be the presence of a fibroid tumor (a benign tumor in your uterus wall).

In another study, statistics suggested that both premenstrual and menstrual symptoms were independent of one another but both were thought to have genetic origins independent of neurotic symptoms. Menstrual cramps can cause tension and anxiety which in turn make the pain worse. Exercise and relaxation are able to break this cycle. Exercise will also increase the blood flow to all areas of the body including the uterus. Exercises are probably the last thing that may come in your mind but certain exercises like cycling in the air which gives moments to your legs are also helpful. Massage on your back or lower abdomen also helps in relieving pain during menstrual cycle.

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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Urinary Tract Infections Treatment

Our urinary tract is composed of four organs: kidneys, ureters, bladder as well as urethra. When this urinary tract is infected with bacteria, we call it urinary tract infection. These bacteria can live anywhere near the urinary tract: in our digestive tract, near the vagina or around the urethra. You have tried the urinary tract infection antibiotics and you continue to suffer from a recurring urinary tract infection. Defects in the urinary system can make a person susceptible for UTI, like strictures or valve-like structures in the urethra and defects causing reflux from the bladder up through the ureters.

Women are most at risk of developing a UTI. Pregnant women are at increased risk of having a bladder infection progress and develop into a kidney infection. About 40% of women and 12% of men have a urinary tract infection at some time in their life. Sometimes kidney or bladder stones can cause repeated infections. In most cases, UTIs are the result of bacteria, such as E. coli that make their home in your urinary tract and bladder. This bad bacteria (E. coli) is usually fought off by a healthy immune system. However, E. coli can spread when immunity is lower and a UTI can result. However, research is now showing the exact opposite. Medical science is showing us that your body is one organism that it works completely dependent upon everything. Even your feet have an impact on your overall health (reflexology).

Common symptoms of urinary tract infections include: diarrhea; fever; lower back pain; painful urination; cloudy urination; blood in urine; chills, pain in upper abdomen; and inability to urinate. Though these symptoms can make life miserable, it is your choice whether you choose to live with UTI or live UTI-free. And urinary tract infection-free is only a half a day away! First, usually the urinary tract infection bacteria are hosting on your bladder walls. However, if not treated in a timely fashion, UTI can spread to your kidneys (called pyelonephritis) and cause serious damage.

Many people eat the wrong foods when suffering from an infection. Foods that have a high acid content will often make your symptoms worse, so you need to cut these foods from your diet immediately. There are various over the counter urinary tract infection treatment drugs which can be bought. Many of them are only really intended to give symptomatic relief rather than provide a cure. A lot tend to work on the assumption that if the symptoms are managed, the urinary tract infection will go away on its own. On the other hand, other forms of urinary tract infection treatment, such as home remedies and natural treatments work in an opposite way to antibiotics.

The good news is that in general, natural products tend to work in a completely different way to antibiotics but are nevertheless just as effective, if not more so. Natural urinary tract infection treatment works because it gives an enormous boost to the immune system which is then able to naturally kill off the bacteria.

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Tendonitis And Its Causes

Tendons are ropes of fibrous tissue that connect muscles to bones. It is this connection that permits joint motion. When muscles contract, they pull on the tendons which cause the bones to move. In order for tendons to glide they move inside a lubricated sheath of tissue that is lined with synovial tissue. Out of countless tendons dispersed throughout the human body, there are few specific tendons that have poor blood supply. These tendon areas where blood supply is low are termed as "watershed zones". These watershed zones are provided with comparatively lesser volume of oxygen and nutrients, it makes these tendons prone to tissue damage and poor healing response.

The diagnosis of patellar tendonitis is usually straightforward. Pain is usually reproduced with palpation of the area of inflammation and injury. This is most commonly at the inferior pole of the patella, but can occur anywhere along the course of the tendon. Once the Achilles tendon has ruptured, walking becomes incredibly difficult and unsteady. Those who have ruptured their Achilles tendon have reported hearing a popping or snapping sound, and feeling like they have been punched in the back of the heel. Perhaps the most experienced cause of patellar tendon injury is very similar to a train jumping it's tracks. It's known as "mis-tracking" of the tendon, as named because the tendon jumps out of the canal at the uppermost part of the shinbone, and over the knee cartilage.

Here are just a few examples of athletes that can develop chronic tendonitis. Even though some feel that golfers are not really athletes they are at risk as well as baseball players swinging the bat all the time and also having to throw the ball so hard. Initially tendonitis is treated with ice packs, anti-inflammatory medication, and splinting or bracing of the affected area. Tendons are very similar to ligaments, they are made out of basically the same collagen material as your ligaments, but they have a different job. Tendons attach your muscles to your bones so your muscles and skeletal structure move together when you go for a run. One can also pick up Tendonitis as a result of injuries to adjacent parts of the tendons. For example, Wrist Tendonitis may also develop because of injuries to elbow tendons. Associated injuries like these usually arise because the injury in the adjacent body part has not healed entirely.

There are many factors such as trauma, overuse, infection and diseases like arthritis that could lead to inflammation of tendon. Overuse is considered as the main common cause behind development of Achilles tendonitis. Chronic tendonitis can follow on from acute tendonitis and typical symptoms are: the pain increases over a period of weeks and months. Pain in the tendon, especially when climbing stairs or walking uphill. Thickening and swelling of the tendon and redness over the skin. Acute or chronic tendonitis can cause mild to severe pain. In its simplest and most conservative approach, treatment will involve analgesics such as ibuprofen and resting the affected area. Depending on the severity, your physician may conclude that you will benefit from an anti-inflammatory medication and may prescribe cortisone injections.

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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Weak Eyesight

Eyes are one of the most used parts of our body, constantly moving and viewing things around us. Thus, they are more prone to getting weak, with most people requiring assistance of glasses for clear vision. Basically our eyes are just like any muscles in our body. They need relaxation and some exercises to regain the needed strength. People generally spend lots of time watching TV and working in front of computers today. With the weakening of your eye muscles, you start experiencing vision problems and will likely visit an optometrist. After a series of tests you are provided with eye crutches: glasses or contacts.

Firstly, here's why wearing glasses isn't a great idea. Glasses and contact lenses are designed to help you see clearly and they do that very well, however they are NOT designed to help improve your eyesight. Improving eyesight through eye-relaxation is the perfect way to make sure your eye is strong enough to control the light refracted in your eye. Remember that taking good care of our eyes can give us the joy of watching our children and grand children grow, help finding tooth brush, pens, watching television, driving, reading without the trouble of searching and wearing glasses.

Using contact lenses or glasses can create stress on the eyes and may cause weak, distorted and blurry vision. If you train and exercise your eyes, they will become stronger. Exercises also help you redirect your eyes' focus and allow you to see more clearly. Many people overuse their eyes and they do it every day. Eye strain is a common reason why many people develop the need for glasses. Eyestrain can be prevented by simply resting the eyes. Eye exercises include a technique that rests the eyes to help reduce the effects of eyestrain. Just like your arms or legs, your eyes respond to exercise. Eye relaxation exercises are like physical therapy for your eyes. These exercises work on the muscles within your eye that are no longer being used because glasses or contact lenses are doing their work for them.

In most cases poor eyesight is caused due to the high stress and strain they put on their eyes. The muscles surrounding the eyes become weak and change the shape of the eyeball. Once the spherical shape of the eyes is altered it leads to improper transmission of the light rays. Relaxation does not come naturally to your eyes, however, for they are far more comfortable staying busy, rapidly moving around and taking in the sights all around you. Eyes don't like to stop moving and focus on only one item, because when this happens, they start to strain and concentrate and vision is not as accurate. Diet in favor of eye worry.

Stress management and resting of the eyes: t is known that when you stress yourself to much, it could affect your eyes. This is mainly for people that work on the computer. People who do not work on the computer are also concerned, but on a minimum level.

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Information On Autism

Autism, which is sometimes also referred to Childhood Autism, Early Infantile Autism, or Kanner's Autism, is caused by some neurological malfunction that causes marked delays in the development in the areas of communication and social interaction. Recent studies indicated that as many as 1 in 166 people are affected by some form of autism. With the rate so high, educating ourselves about autism is crucial. Here are a few things about autism that might surprise you. The symptoms of autism are complex; hence diagnosis cannot be done very easily. During the early stages of autism, it becomes difficult to spot it, however as it goes on the becoming more and more severe, clear behavior differences can be noted.

It is important to look at any child as a whole rather than focusing only on what is challenging for that child. By embracing a child's strengths and motivations you can help that child to grow in his or her areas of challenge. This is widely accepted wisdom in the education of typically developing children. It is generally accepted that autism is caused by abnormalities in brain structure or function. Researchers are investigating a number of theories, including a possible link between heredity, genetics, and medical problems. Many of autism's symptoms are associated with detachment. Children who are affected will not maintain eye contact with others or look at objects, appear unaware when spoken to, and are not communicative. Other signs of autism are an inability to adapt to change in routine and unwillingness for physical contact.

From this time, autism has been looked upon as a disorder, which develops as a consequence of abnormal brain development. Recently, evidence has shown that in some cases, the abnormal brain development may be caused by specific genes. The most celebrated cause of the genetically caused autism is the discovery of the presence of a gene expression or a gene marker. This theory means that the structure of the genes is altered, therefore giving way to autism. Small alteration in the genetic code which could possibly be reverberation in the protein structure is the main cause of autism development in children and individuals. There are numerous treatments available to cure the autism condition in children. Initially, nutritional supplements are offered to the child suffering from autism. This might be followed by behavioral training. In general Vitamin B12 is given as a supplement.

Autism Caused By Deficiency in the Immune System There are a few studies that have shown autism is associated with troubles in the immune system. Mostly that the individual has an allergy to gluten and dairy products that contribute to the symptoms of autism. While it's important to consult a qualified autism nutrition and diet specialist, it's beneficial to take the time to understand and explore how food heals and how a particular diet may help your child. While it's important to consult a qualified autism nutrition and diet specialist, it's beneficial to take the time to understand and explore how food heals and how a particular diet may help your child.

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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Extreme Fatigue Symptoms

Most adult persons have been bothered by a condition called fatigue at least once in the course of their lives. The most common fatigue symptom is the lack of strength of energy. Chronic fatigue syndrome is a condition that causes extreme, often debilitating exhaustion. This fatigue is not the sort of tiredness that comes after one has worked hard, or that goes away after a nice long rest. A few CFS cases begin slowly, but most of the time they begin very suddenly. Much of the time, they are set off by the 'flu or an illness similar to it. The patient has the 'flu, recovers from most of the symptoms, but then retains the fatigue and general aches and pains for weeks afterwards.

Many people suffer from depression and are not aware of it until it progresses into a real problem. Feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem, extreme fatigue and vague aches and pains are all symptoms of depression and can vary widely from one person to another. Symptoms can also include weakness that interferes with daily living by up to 50% for some people. Unlike flu (influenza) symptoms, which usually subside in a few days or weeks, the signs and symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome can last for months or years, causing a marked restriction in normal daily activities. There is a massive spectrum of Chronic Fatigue. Most people are able to fight the fatigue and perform many of their usual activities at home and work. However, they are unusually exhausted afterwards, and may begin to reduce socializing, recreational activities, and hobbies.

No one knows for sure what causes CFS. It may occur after an infection such as a cold or viral syndrome. It can happen over time or come on suddenly. People who get CFS over time get more and more tired over weeks or months. Natural herbal medicine is another avenue of treatment, which many CFS patients opt to explore. Some natural remedies include borage seed oil, bromelain, comfrey, echinacea, ginkgo biloba, ginseng and shiitake mushroom extract. There is no definitive treatment for CFS, and what helps one person may not help another. For the most part, physicians treat the symptoms. Anti-inflammatory medications are given for pain. Antidepressants are used to treat depression if it is present.

Some symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome are fever, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, extreme fatigue, loss of appetite, night sweats, intestinal problems, anxiety, depression, mood swings, sleep disturbances, memory loss, inability to concentrate, headaches, and muscle and joint pains. The number of people suffering from fibromyalgia in the US alone are close to 8 million, more than 80% are women. Those people are usually living in total pain or extreme fatigue and suffer from lack of sleep. They may wake up stiff, experience mental confusion, irritable bowel and TMJ syndrome. Sleep disorders are a common symptom of CFS and it has been suggested that increased pain sensitivity may contribute to the restlessness and sleeplessness many experience. Many people with adrenal insufficiency feel better when on vacation. Their symptoms may even clear up entirely but then return when they go back to their normal lives.

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Food Intolerance Causes

Food intolerance is now a very common problem that is faced by many people today. This happens when your system is not able to tolerate particular kinds of food that you have. Food intolerance occurs when the body is unable to dealt with a certain type of food. This is usually because the body does not produce enough of particular chemical that's needed for digestion of food. Some people are born with intolerance to certain foods, and others may develop intolerance later in life. Food allergies cause a person's immune system to sit up and take notice, while food intolerances don't involve the immune system. Neither are they linked to contaminated or spoiled foods; those cause food poisoning, not intolerance.

Intolerance to certain foods should not be confused with food allergies. You have to go through food intolerance testing to confirm what exactly your problem is. You will be able to decide what the best cure for your ailment is, only if you undergo such a test. Foods containing wheat or milk for example are getting reputations as "bad foods" due to the reactions they can produce in some people. While they can very well be "problem foods" for some, they can also be very healthy foods for others. Chemical food additives are chemicals that are put in food for taste or preserving. They can cause a range of symptoms including foggy head, hyperactivity, and fatigue. They include aspartame, monosodium glutamate, and many E numbers (preservatives).

Another very common intolerance is wheat or gluten intolerance. (Gluten is a protein found in wheat.) These conditions have gotten a lot of press lately, and for good reason: gluten intolerance, also called celiac disease in its most serious form, has been linked to behavioral problems, weight gain, and even autism. All foods contain proteins known as lectins. Some of these proteins are highly resistant to digestion and are toxic to the human intestine especially if they are not pre-treated by soaking, cooking well, or removing toxic portions. For example, inadequately soaked and cooked kidney beans will cause a food poisoning like illness. All of these foods affect me differently and some cause more severe reactions than others but on the whole I try to stay away from all of them and I feel much, much better for doing so.

These foods are certainly not bad by any means, but with a person who has Gluten Intolerance they can cause some nasty symptoms. Everyone is different, so while some of the foods may cause a reaction in one person it won't necessarily in someone else. It's basically the process of elimination until the culprit is found. Flour such as spelt and kamut that are suitable for people with wheat intolerance but they are not suitable for people with gluten intolerance as these products contain gliadin which is a source of gluten.Look out for food products that might contain hidden gluten. This can be found in the following terms found in food labels which may mean that there is gluten in the product.

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Friday, September 3, 2010

Side Effects Of Alcohol Drinking

Drinking alcohol is a very big problem in many social groups, such as college age kids. If you don't drink than you are considered 'not cool', so most kids give in to drinking alcohol just so they can fit into the cool crowd. Alcoholism comes with many side effects. Some of them are physical and some of them are emotional. Perhaps one of the hardest to deal with are the side effects that happen when your body hasn't had any alcohol. If you are an alcoholic, chances are the only thought you have through out the day is when you can have your next drink. It consumes your every thought and you might find that you are unable to concentrate on any task. Your work begins to suffer.

Probably the most worrying side effect of alcohol and that's its ability to slow your metabolism significantly making it harder for your body to naturally burn fat. This a huge problem when you find many people who may be active enjoy a nice cold beer after a workout or playing sports which means all the hard work they put in is pretty much going to waste and as soon as the alcohol hits them the weight loss benefits are lost. When it comes to your appearance and the short term side effects of alcohol there is a whole list of things to consider including bloating, bloodshot eyes, spots, smelly breath, red skin while drinking and dull looking, grey skin the next day due to dehydration.

When alcohol is consumed over a long period of time, it can cause impotence in men and breast cancer in women. Men can also suffer from lower levels of sexual desire. The bones can also be impacted by alcohol consumption. The long term effects of regularly exceeding the daily guidelines are also something to think about. If you've ever seen someone who drinks too much you might have noticed they're a bit red in the face. As alcoholism affects the brain and thus the memory and basic function of the impaired person, severe personality changes will become very evident to those who know the person. A once happy or carefree individual will start to show classic signs of depression and even anger. Believe it or not, when you drink a lot of alcohol over your lifetime you are at a higher risk of developing cancer. It is believed that two to four percent of all cases of cancer have been caused by alcohol (directly or indirectly).

Alcohol consumption can induce sleep disorders by disrupting the sequence and duration of sleep states and by altering total sleep time as well as the time required to fall asleep. Although alcohol makes you feel relaxed, it is actually a downer. So when the short term effects fade, you will feel more depressed, anxious, or exhausted. In other words, the temporary relief from negative feelings will fade and be replaces by an increase to those negative feelings.There are neurological complications of alcoholism they include: confusion, loss of coordination and concentration, nerve damage, psychosis, short-term memory problems, stroke, and visual difficulties.

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How To Grow Thick Hair

Each day can result in thinner and thinner hair on your head if the problem is not corrected soon enough. Of course this is something that you probably already know, but what you may not know is that this can be fixed without the use of some type of expensive treatment. One thing that many people overlook is their diet. What we eat greatly effects our health and in turn, poor health can mean a slow rate of hair growth or even worse, hair loss. Eating healthy isn't difficult. Simply choose healthier replacements and add a multi-vitamin to your diet. The earlier your start treatment, the easier it will be to achieve regrowth and reverse your hair loss. Visit your physician immediately and get started on a combination of finasteride and minoxidil treatments.

There are other ways to grow thicker hair without altering your diet. Consider how you may shampoo your hair or use some other type of treatment on it. Most shampoo products out there are packed full of all kinds of ingredients. Many of them are toxic to your hair and you may not even realize it. One thing you can do to improve the health and thickness of your hair is to improve your diet. A healthy diet can have a significant impact on hair loss. Have a well balanced diet that is full of the necessary nutrients and vitamins. Grow longer hair through shampoo. You can really make a difference in your hair's thickness and growth just from washing your hair with a certain shampoo. Forget about all of those hair volumizing shampoos.

Try to avoid dramatic weight loss if you want a thicker mane. The faster you lose weight, the more of your locks you will lose. You shouldn't allow thinning and balding to rub you of your youthful look and self-confidence; growing thin hair is possible with the right products. Low calorie diets that are low in fat and protein also tend to be low in iron and can cause too much weight loss too quickly. The first step in preventing hair loss or at least slowing it down is to speak to a health care professional who will be able to diagnose the problem and make sure that you are getting on the right track.Many products also claim they know how to grow hair thicker. Some do, some don't.

The ones that do tend to be all-natural; the ones that don't are rampant with sulfate and silicone that will sabotage your desired main.   For hair to grow, you must consume large amounts of copper, iodine, iron, and zinc.  Make sure you eat lots of seafood, red meat, leafy vegetables, beans, nuts, and grains.  Protein is also something you should consider if you want to grow hair back naturally.  Minerals such as magnesium, zinc, iron and silica are also great for hair growth. Proteins are building blocks of hair and must be included in one's diet as much as possible. Massaging your scalp will also encourage faster growing locks. So get a scalp massage with a good herbal oil called Mira hair oil. It will help awaken hair follicles and give you the tresses you desire.

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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Chronic Cough Facts

Coughing can actually lead to many complications such as a decrease in the blood flow of our brain which will then cause fainting. Insomnia, vomiting, bleb rupture, red eye, subconjunctival hemorrhage, abdominal hernias and pelvic hernias are just among the complications caused by acute and chronic coughing. Prior to share about cough remedies, it is better to know first about the various causes. Upper respiratory infection in most cases often becomes the main cause of this condition. Usually, the infection is caused by cold viruses or bacteria. Asthma frequently also caused fever. There are probably as many causes of coughs as there are cough sufferers. A good cough remedy should have a strong match to your unique cough symptoms. Then the cough will disappear.

One of the most unpleasant coughs is a paroxysmal cough. One when the coughing comes in spells or spasms. It's hard to catch your breath between the spasms. So you may go blue. You can find many remedies to help you cover your problems. You can find those remedies in your health stores, from your health actions, from your kitchen or even at your back yard garden. Honey and lemon cough medication is one that you can give without the worry. If all medications were as easy as this one is there would be a lot of pharmaceutical companies out of business and they could not charge us out of the sky for medications.

A cough indicates some irritation in your child's air passages. This irritation may be in the throat, the lungs, or in the passageways linking them. The cough, for the majority of individuals, is a primitive and protective reflex. Such a coughing reflex is engaged through the stimulating of a couple of diverse categories of afferent in nature nerves, which are clinically referred to myelinated and nonmyelinated. A cough is a symptom of many illnesses and conditions including: asthma, bronchitis, common cold, influenza (flu)smoking, and whooping cough. The cure of cough is useful only if directed at the cause, but patients should be offered indicative relief while awaiting the results of specific therapy.

In addition, one should be aware of whether or not the phlegm is green or yellow in color, which may be indicative of a bacterial infection, in which case one should speak with his physician. If blood appears in the mucous that is coughed up, medical attention should be sought immediately as there may be a serious underlying condition causing the cough. Mix equal parts honey and lemon, and take one tablespoon at a time. This can be done once an hour, as needed. Do not give children under two anything with honey in it, as it can cause serious problems.

Herbal remedies for cough then shared mixed herbs, natural remedies and habits proper to eliminate this nuisance type behavior and not just cut the coughing, but also prevent it and in turn relieve the sore throat that often appears associated with it. Raisins are also a fantastic cough remedy. Prepare a sauce by grinding 100 grams of raisins with water. Add approximately 100 grams of sugar and heat the mixture. When the mixture reaches a consistency of sauce, it should then be preserved.

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Eliminate Bad Vaginal Odor

Every woman has some type of vaginal odor. It isn't something we like to talk about or even think about, but it is something we all must learn to monitor and care for properly. Vagina odor is a very annoying, embarrassing and sometimes downright humiliating problem for many women. Left untreated, a smelly vaginal odor may well bring about a woman physiological problems resulting in her to be emotionally(stress) and more self conscious; thereby affecting her personal, social and professional life. Odors are cause by an overgrow of bacteria in your vaginal. Overgrowth of bacteria are cause when there is a change in your vagina area. Vaginal odor are caused when there is inflammation in the vaginal area including the outside and inside of the vagina.

The relationship of vaginal odor to vaginal infections is not easy to sort out. It is possible to have an infection without odor, and it is possible to have odor without infection. Odor can also result from excessive growth of bacteria that normally inhabit a healthy vagina, such as Gardnerella. Many women believe that vaginal odor are the result of a lack of personal hygiene and wash excessively their vagina unaware that they worsen the problem. While poor genital hygiene can be the cause, excessive washing is not the solution. A diagnosis of vaginitis if missed and delayed can cause this vaginal odor. If by avoiding sugar and adding garlic to the diet, this problem is being overcome then it has been fortunate. But otherwise never hesitate to consult a doctor about vaginal odor.

Keeping your body healthy in general is the last, and perhaps most important, thing you can do to eliminate vaginal odor.  When the body isn't healthy, the vagina isn't healthy either.  A poor diet in particular can lead to vaginal odor.  For some women, despite their best efforts, the fishy vaginal smell will not go away. The most likely cause of all persistent vaginal odor is bacterial vaginosis. This condition occurs due to an imbalance of natural ph levels within the vagina which causes abnormal growth of harmful bacteria.

Generally, the reason for vaginal odor is related to sexual practices. Sexual hygiene to avoid vaginal odor means douching for a lot of women. The fact, however, is that douching may lead to over-drying, which in turn comes with its own issues during sex. The same things that keep the rest of your body healthy will keep your vagina healthy and odor-free.  This includes eating right, exercising regularly, and drinking enough water.  Your vaginal odor will not be cured if you maintain sexual contact with your partner. Avoid this activity for the time being. It is advisable to bring your partner to the same doctor treating you.

A water and vinegar douche can help to control the odor and correct the natural ph balance in the vagina but it may not cure the problem. Keeping the vaginal area clean and dry is one of the simplest natural vaginal odor remedies. Wear all cotton underwear that will absorb excess vaginal discharge which is often the cause of odor.

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