Saturday, September 18, 2010

Pregnancy Tests Facts

With the advancement of technology, pregnancy tests have also become more and more reliable and easier to carry out. Over the counter home pregnancy tests are also as effective as the tests carried out at the primary health care provider's office. A free online pregnancy test should be treated as a first step in detection of pregnancy. You cannot just rely on these test results as a final confirmation of your pregnancy. You are sure to find hints about the pregnancy through an online pregnancy test, but this test should never replace medical confirmatory test under observation of physicians. Everyone knows that the later a pregnancy test is taken the more accurate the results. When the menstrual cycle is due is the best time to take a pregnancy for best results. Whenever some one needs to know or wants to know early on if they are pregnant the EPT pregnancy test is the only test that can be used very early in the pregnancy and get results.

Currently, urine based pregnancy tests are commonly recommended and used. Yet, occurrences of a misleading test result can be avoidable when all the instructions on these tests are obeyed. If the tests are taken just after the missed periods, you might experience 'negative' false pregnancy test results. In some of the cases, the results of a pregnancy test may not be accurate. It means that while the test may show positive results implying the presence of the HCG in urine, the development of the egg may not be proper. This is basically due to a concept called "chemical pregnancy" in which a fertilized egg starts producing HCG but fails to develop further.

Another important accuracy parameter relates to the usage of home pregnancy test kit. The kit manufacturing company is not to be blamed, if you are not very careful about the usage directions. A basic home early pregnancy test kit usually requires urine collection in a container & then dipping a checking instrument in it. A pregnancy test detects the presence of the pregnancy hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) either in the blood or in the urine. The hCG in the urine comes from the hCG in the blood after it was filtered through the kidney. After ovulation, the egg gets fertilized and travels through the fallopian tube toward the uterus. This travel takes on average about a week.

Blood tests are more reliable compared to the urine tests. These tests are conducted by the doctor to detect the presence of hCG in the blood. The presence of hCG in the blood indicates the embryo has attached itself to the uterine wall and placenta has started growing. Pregnancies after 5 1/2 weeks of conception can be detected by ultrasound scanning. However, ultrasound scanning, if used during the early stage of pregnancy, has to be trans vaginal. It is also quite possible that pregnancy escapes detection at this stage due to the very small size of the sac. With the technology advancement the pregnancy tests have become convenient and reliable. For all those who are eager to confirm their pregnancy they can perform a home pregnancy test if come out positive, they can fix the appointment with the doctors.

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