Saturday, September 18, 2010

How To Clear Blackheads

Are you looking for a way to get rid of blackheads and the symptoms & conditions that come with it. Your not alone millions of people every year are searching for relief. This type of acne develops for many different reasons and usually the cause, and symptoms range from person to person. Blackheads are caused by too much sebum oil in the skin being trapped in the poor. This oil mixes with dead skin cells and other foreign contaminants. The result is a blackhead. Blackheads can easy end up as acne pimples because the area around the blackhead is more prone to infection. Oily makeup blocks the pores on your skin and thus causes acne. High stress levels produce imbalance in the body, which causes hormonal changes and thus blackheads. Many chemicals and medicines trigger hormonal changes producing excess oil production and thus blackheads.

So the best way to get rid of blackheads is to control the sebum (oil) and remove dead skin cells regularly to prevent them blocking pores. Try to avoid strong products that contain man made ingredients. Blackheads and whiteheads are a combination of oils, sebum and cellular fragments that form firm to hard plugs within hair follicles. Blackheads are open to the skin's surface and become darkened at the surface by exposure to oxygen (oxidation). They are called open comedones (or comedo, singular). You can even use blackhead strips for blackhead removal. These strips contain a substance that helps in controlling this infection to spread to other areas of the skin and thereby remove the blackheads.

The face is probably the most common area for blackheads to appear. Blackheads are also common in the chin, forehead, and the nose. This area created by the chin, forehead and nose is called the T-Zone. This is a common area of blackheads because the area of the chin, forehead, and nose contain many oil glands.There are about a dozen things you can simply change about your current behavior to get rid of blackheads for good. For example, just by using new towels and pillow cases everyday, you could greatly reduce the transfer of bacteria to your face. Be sure to be very gentle when squeezing the blackheads because if you do this in a harsh manner you risk depressing the blockage which will go down into the skin and give rise to fresh outbreaks of zits. It therefore pays to only gently squeeze the blackheads.

You should also use products that have high benzoyl peroxide content. Just like salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide also contains properties that effectively kill blackhead-causing bacteria. However, when you use benzoyl peroxide, you run the risks of having dry skin. Acne and blackheads are caused when the pores on your skin get filled with oil and dead skin cells. When the oil in the pores gets exposed to air it reacts with oxygen causing the formation of dark colored blackhead. Blackheads are so common yet many of us are not aware of what they are. They can be controlled and prevented by taking regular care of the skin. Blackheads cause the oily skin pores to be enlarged and the surface of the skin becomes rough.

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